Monday 21 January 2013


For our film we need a few props to make our film more realistic and make it seem a more authentic crime film opening scene. We want things to look realistic so we will be putting fake blood onto our dead bodies to make it look real. Because we want the murders to be linked, we need to have something on the bodies which is distinctive on all of them, and we could do this by using the fake blood. 

Another prop that we may need is a body bag to put the dead bodies in and to cover them up when the main character has arrived at the scene and is investigating it This way it would make it seem more realistic, in the fact that it will look like a crime scene. We can either use a proper body bag or try and use a sleeping bag, however this could make it less authentic so this may not be the best thing to use.    

Another prop we will need is police line tape. Again, this is to make each scene as realistic as possible. The tape will make it seem as though the area inside is off limits because of what has happened.

We will also be using a phone at the start of the opening to show the maker of the film for example 'universal studios', as we believe this a good way to incorporate the makers of the film. The phone we will be using is a samsung galaxy S3, and the reason for this is because it can show the picture of the company as well as the name of the company, and then from this opening shot it will show the main character of the film as he is answering the phone.

Another prop that we want to use is a boiler suit for the forensic scientist as there will be one collecting evidence at the scene as there normally is a forensic scientist in a crime movie so will have to buy a suit for someone to wear to make our movie more authentic.

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